
I remember it was snowing. It was on December 14th, and for the sake of harmony at home, let’s just say it was some years back. That night I asked Jane Ann to marry me. It was a proposal that she could have chosen to say yes to, or just as easily to have said no. I...

Joy versus Happy

We have had such good times lately. I’m talking primarily about the gatherings that take place where anywhere from five hundred to a thousand believers come together. I know everyone here gets excited about meeting our listeners and seeing everyone having such a great...

Rhythm of God

A few years ago I remember writing a newsletter about the ‘rhythm’ of the Gospel. Recently, I watched a video about how God’s presence in the earth is like a song that just keeps playing and playing and playing. It’s a song uninterrupted by what goes on in the world....

Godly Genealogy

‘You shall be Holy, for I am Holy!’(1 Peter 1:16) In the winter, when it’s not very practical to be outside, I like to work on our family’s genealogy. I work on all the family lines, but especially my grandfather Anderson’s family. That line is the most difficult to...

Francis Schaeffer

“The important thing after being born again spiritually is to live.” That’s a quote from someone who, forty years ago, was a cornerstone for Christian thought in America. Originally a pastor in St. Louis, he and his wife later moved to Switzerland and established a...